After seeing countless people of all ages struggle with a myriad of health issues that all stem from inflammation, I knew I had to write a book. I can only work with so many people, but a book can reach and help many more. Soon I’ll be publishing The FreeDiet® and I couldn’t be more excited! But I can’t do that alone and I need your help. I’m inviting you to join my Book Launch Team. But what is a Launch Team? It’s a group of people who are willing to help get the word out about the book.
What you get:
A free digital review copy of the book and the free gifts mentioned in the book.
What I’m asking of you:
Launch team members will be added to a dedicated mailing list and in the emails I send, I'll include easy promotional activities that you can do to help the book launch. That might include things like sharing the book with your social media following once, purchasing the discounted book on launch day to boost sales, or posting a review on Amazon. They’re all really simple things that you can do that will make a big difference!
You do NOT have to have a huge audience to be part of the team!
If you'd like to be part of the book launch team, just fill out the form below with your name and email address. Of course, I won't share your email address with anyone. Thanks for your support in spreading the FreeDiet® message!
Join the FreeDiet® Book Launch Team!